Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Apples, pears and blenders

This gorgeous picture is not me. It's one of the coolest women I have ever known in my life... my friend...Cookie. She is actually the Mom of my friend Angela, but I claim Cookie as my friend too.

She is way too cool to be just some one's Mom. She is just about the most hilarious fantabulous woman anyone could be lucky to spend time around and her laugh makes you laugh too. And her stories....ahhh....pure gold. I mean it. From sheer hysterical to poignant to jaw dropping, there is nothing ordinary about Cookie.

Ang found this photo and Cookie told us she was 15 when this photo was taken! 15!!!!! Look how glamorous she is... now I don't know about you...but at 15....gorgeous was not a word you could use about how I looked. I was rather .... strangely shaped. Even now, I am not quite sure when the magazines say "What body shape are you? Am I an apple? A pear?" So I stood in front of the mirror.... and determined....I am refrigerator shaped. Not square... not exactly round... not exactly rectangle. I am built like the fridge with a round head.

How do you dress for that? Does Dress Barn have a section for the "Appliance Shaped" woman? I shared this theory with my girlfriend (who refuses to disclose her name) and she agrees completely and claims to be a Blender!  We went to Kohls looking for dresses and the saleslady tried to convince her to try more toward the Pears, but nothing really looked flattering. "I am not a Pear," she insisted. And later, while we were in the kitchen section, she stood next to the blenders, and you know, she was right! She was a BLENDER!

Obviously today's designers are missing the mark. Instead of creating fashion for fruit shaped women start creating fashion for industrial shaped girls. How about the telephone pole girl or the woman with piano legs (another pet peeve of mine). Try creating skirts that flatter the lampshade shape or the electric range look. Not everyone is a piece of fruit.  That's all I'm saying. That, and if I looked like Cookie did at 15....I probably wouldn't be looking for appliance shaped clothing now.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is this!!! My mom is going to love it. Thanks for saying such kind things and as always being funny at the same time. XOXOXOXO
